Category: Medieval Tales

  • An Overview of How Faeries Were Portrayed During Different Literary Periods

    An Overview of How Faeries Were Portrayed During Different Literary Periods

    There are many different ways to experience faerie folklore: through shared oral tradition, by reading tales collected by folklorists, and via its inclusion in literature, art, and even science. I find the interchange between folklore and creative endeavors fascinating, so I thought we’d explore how faerie folklore was incorporated into literature during different literary periods.…

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  • Apple Trees and British Folklore

    Apple Trees and British Folklore

    When I make my grocery shopping list for holiday dinners and ask my family if they’d like a pie, their eyes grow as large as pie tins, and they answer with a resounding, “Yes!” When I ask what flavor of pie they’d like, the one flavor almost everyone agrees on in our family is apple.…

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  • Cŵn Annwn: Welsh Supernatural Hounds

    Cŵn Annwn: Welsh Supernatural Hounds

    Cŵn Annwn are Welsh supernatural hounds whose howls served as a death omen to those who heard it. Death portents are quite common in Welsh folklore. According to Delyth Badder and Mark Norman, authors of The Folklore of Wales: Ghosts, Cŵn Annwn “represent perhaps one of the oldest omens within Welsh tradition.” The Welsh name for these hounds, Cŵn Annwn,…

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  • The Magical Birds of Rhiannon

    The Magical Birds of Rhiannon

    Rhiannon is an otherworldly woman, who is generally considered a Celtic horse-goddess. She plays a prominent role in the Mabinogion, which is a collection of medieval Welsh tales. The birds of Rhiannon are magical birds that also appear in the Mabinogion, but they are somewhat elusive—it is unknown how they are linked to Rhiannon or what their…

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